The benefits of laughter are known to be manifold. It reduces stress and blood pressure,
improves heart health and helps us sleep better. While it is impossible to be happy all the
time, I jumped at the opportunity of bringing some laughter to friends and family when the
BBC contacted me last year asking whether I would be willing to be interviewed as an
expert on anatomy and biology for a new special edition of Cunk on Life.
For those who are new to this, Philomena Cunk, played by Diane Morgan, is a hapless
reporter who has starred in a number of hilarious mockumentaries on TV on topics such as
Cunk on Shakespeare and Cunk on Earth.
Cunk on Life is available on BBC iplayer from 30 Dec 24 and on Netflix from 2 Jan 25.
Since it aired, it has had a number of excellent reviews. You can read the one from the
Guardian on the link below where I am described as the best actor since Laurence Olivier
(or a beautiful naif)! Many have asked me on social media as to how it was for me and
how I managed to keep a straight face during filming.
It was a great experience. I have been filmed many times before for various news and
media channels but this was different. Diane Morgan had her script but I did not have any.
So my answers were impromptu. I had been briefed about her haplessness and
sometimes she came up with the most impossible questions with a straight face. I was
expecting her to mention "her mate Paul" as she usually does so I was ready for it. Her
dog Bobby kept getting in and out during filming which added a natural sense of calmness
and ease. Having watched previous episodes such as Cunk and Peston, I realised that
most experts eventually cannot control their laughter. Rather surprisingly I found that I had
the opposite effect and Cunk burst out into giggles rather than I. The producer told me
later that this has not happened before. Perhaps it is time for me to stop being a robotic
surgeon and start a new career as an actor? Do let me know what you think.
I hope you enjoy laughing heartily for 70 mins and wish you all a Happy New Year!